History of the Cutlers' Company of London. Vol. I. By
Charles Welch. (Printed privately for the Cutlers' Company.)--Tho Cutlers completed their fifth century as a Company last December, and marked the occasion by ordering their learned ex-Master to write their history. This he has done, to the year 1500, in a scholarly volume full of curious detail. The London Cutlers were organized as a "mistery" by tho thirteenth century. They took the products of the bladesmiths, sheathers, and hafters, and dealt in the finished articles for which they were responsible. The " furbours," who furbished up old knives, were a subordinate craft. Apart from the topographical and genealogical facts, among which we note that Mr. Weller's favourite inn, the ' Belle Sauvage,' once belonged to the Cutlers, we are impressed with the efforts of the Guild to maintain a high standard of workmanship and honesty in the trade. From that point of view, the history of theiondoo Livery Companies is by no means of merely antiquarian interest.