In one of his last letters the late Frederic Harrison
wrote : " The British Empire is melting away, just as the Roman Empire did in A.D. 800, and from the same causes." This remark shows that it is possible for a singularly astute mind to lose touch with realities and proves how little he knew of Dominion sentiment. The British Empire consists of two distinct sections, the free and self-governing Dominions chiefly inhabited by the white race, and the British dependencies, protectorates, Crown colonies and island possessions, ranging from India to Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic. As regards the first, belief in the mission of the British Commonwealth of free peoples was never stronger through- out the Dominions, despite the efforts of the " cut-the- painter " school in Canada represented by such men as Mr. John S. Ewart, K.C. As regards the second, the future alone can decide what the ultimate destiny of British possessions inhabited by the coloured races will be. Mr. Harrison, in making his prophecy, should have differentiated between the two.