Roads And Their Users.
II.—THE HARD CASE OF THE SMALLER ROAD AUTHORITIES. By LORD MONTAGU OF BEAULIEU. O UT of the total of £10,042,000 raised during 1921-22 from the users of private and commercial......
- Philosophy And Religion.
THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE. By Benedict Williamson. (Regan Paul. 10s. fld. net.)-11IE EVOLUTION OF LOVE. By Emil Lucks. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.) The Rev. Benedict Wilfiamson's......
Life Beyond The Grave. By The Rev. W. A. H.
Legg. (Nisbet. 2s. 6d. net.) The late Mr. Legg, who was minister of the Congregational Church at Redhill, expounded the Christian view of the after-life in these sermons, which......
Flying Leaves. By The Right Rev. Sir David 0. Hunter-
Blair. (Cranton. 12s. 6d.) A collection of odd papers of special interest to Catholics. There are some interesting essays on Catholics and the Universities, some religious and......