Since I am sure that many members of the Parochial Church Councils who are now frequently puzzled about their powers
and by questions of procedure and of law will be glad to hear that the Life and Liberty Movement has established an Information Bureau. The subscription for a Church Council corporately, or for an individual member, is 10s. 6d. a year. Membeis will receive :-
" 1. Publications bearing on the Constitution, and the Work of Parochial Church Councils. 2. On the second Friday in each month the Guardian newspaper, wherein is inset, once a month, a ` Church Councillor's Supplement.' 8. Three times a year in magazine form :—(a) The Acts of the National Assembly. (b) A Statement as to the Central Finances of the Church. (c) Digest of the principal measures before the Assembly. (d) A Church Council Agenda, bearing on the measures to be considered by the Assembly.'
Advice will be given on any matters affecting the Councils. Inquiries should be addressed to the Director of the Bureau, accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. Speakers will also be provided to address gatherings of the Church Councils.
It is proposed to repeat the successful experiment of the past three years and to hold again in the coming summer a Conference, or " Summer School," for Parochial Church Councillors at The Hayes, Swanwick, Derbyshire, from the
evening of May 14th to the morning of the 18th. Member- ship of the Summer School is open to all Parochial Councillors.
The fee for the school, including board and lodging and the conveyance of small luggage from Butterley Station, is £2. Swanwick, of course, is in delightful country, and all those who have attended one Summer School want to go again. Applications should be made to the Secretary of the Life and Liberty Movement, 117 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.—I am,