The issue of money consequent upon the payment of the Dividends has given a tone to the Money Market, which was very firm up to the closing of the Stock Exchange on Wednesday afternoon. In the course of yesterday, however, an express was received from Paris, bringieg the intelligence which appears in the newspapers this morning of the recall of the French Ambassador at Wash- ington: some large sales were made in consequence, and the market closed heavily. A further decline took place upon the commencement of business this morning, ; when Consols for Account were as low as 92. A rise has since oc- curred, and the closing price is 92a This threatened rupture between France and America is the only bar to a considerable improvement in the prices of the funds; for with the revived abundance of money, all the anxiety for spe- culation and spirit of financial enterprise seem to have returned ; which, but for this untoward event, would doubtless have carried prices up beyond their pre- sent range. In the Foreign Market, the various Stocks at present current have all im- proved in price in a greater or less degree ; but the rise has been most remark- able in Spanish and Portuguese Bonds. The former have been as high as 57 ; at which price the market was very firm, with every prospect of a further im- provement ; but the intelligence from France, coupled with a decline of I per
cent. in Amsterdam and Artwerp, caused a reaction to ; from which point the price was carried up to 56%, closing this afternoon at 56%.
The New Loan will, it is understood, make its appearance in the market in the course of next weak; the contractors having signified their readiness to re- ceive the applications of intended subscribers, and M. Aanors: being on his way to London to superintend its intioduction. The quantity at present disposable is, we believe, less than from the large amount of the loan it was anticipated it would be. A large portion of the English part of the contract having been de- voted to the liquidation of the clahn of the House of ROTHSCHILD for advances previously made to the Spanish Government, for which bonds of the Loan will be received in payment ; and in the absorption of Treasury Bills issued in anti- cipation of the present advance. Portuguese Bonds have not fluctuated so much as usual. The market has been very firm, and closes this afternoon at 871 The settlement of the Foreign Account took place ; and both Portuguese Stock and Cortes Bonds have been much less plentiful than usual.
Dutch Bonds, both 2% and 5 per Cents, have been higher ; the 2% per Cents. 54% and 5 per Cents. Jul. Both have retrograded with Gongola, but have since nearly recovered their previous quotations. The South American Stocks are generally more inquired after, and some of the Mining Shares are in demand ; but the business transacted in them has not
teen such as to call fur remark. SATURDAY. TWELVE o'cr,ocw. We are without any French letters this morning, the mail not haying arrived. The English market is quite steady. Spanish Bonds have improved, the price being at 56% %. 3 per Cent. Consols 901 1 541 1
Ditto for Accontit 924 Dutch 24 per Cents. French 3 per Cents New 34 per Cent. Annuities — Greek. 1933.5 per Cents —
Bank Stock 0224 Mexican 6 per Cents. 424
India Stock Portuguese 5 per Cents Wit 93i Exchequer Bills Do. Regency Scrip, 5 per Cent Belgian 5 per Cents 994 Prassiau,l818, S per Cent... —
Brazilian Slier Cents 804 If Russian. 1S22. Suer Cent... 1071 84 lianisk3 per Cents Spanish. 1421, 5 per Cent .. 564