The Theatres.
A THIRD lady lessee is in the field—the pretty Mrs. NISBET, who has taken the Queen's Theatre, and opens it on Monday with two new pieces, and a corps comprising some veterans......
Music Of The Week.
MATTERS of sterner and deeper import compel us to condense our musical notices. The first Philharmonic Trial was on Monday ; and the pieces per- formed were a Sinfonia by......
Paris, 14th January 1835.
Sia—The Doctrinaires have made a sham movement, of a sham fight, against—TitE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. They are SO dreadfully unpopular from Dunkirk to Toulon, and from Toulon......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, Jan. 1311,, Royal George, Wilson, from Bengal ; Jean Wilson Banks. from Mauritius ; Mary Ann. Mallon; ; ad Crania. Donn, from the Cape; 14th, Columbia.......