Mr. ROWBOTHAM'S Guide to Spanish and English Conversa- tion, is
very similar in plar. .nd arrangement to his kindred work on the French language. F re are the same useful vocabula- ries, the first (of nouns) beginning with words expressing meals, and proceeding gradually onwards through the terms connected with necessities, so as practically to answer the purposes of a dictionary, whilst the dialogues on matters of daily occurrence are as brief, if they be not substantially the same, as in his former little book. To the student of Spanish this Guide may be safely recommended. If a mere Englishman travelling in Spain makes Mr. ROWBOTHAM'S work his vade-mecuin, it may carry him through after a fashion, provided he can manage the pronunciation. If tut, as Mr. HANSARD said of the Welsh, let him show it; which, should he have met a reader, will answer as well.