The only news from France worth recording, relates to the
dif- lbrences with the United States. The Doctrinaires have recalled their Minister, M. SEAM:121FR, from Washington, and offered Str. LivitvorroN, the American Ambassador at Paris, his pass- ports; at the same time, however, giving him to understand, that the next day they would propose to the Chamber of Deputies a bill for payment of the money, which General JACKSON in one way or another is determined to have. Nothing can be more contemptible than the conduct of France—Ministers, Deputies, and Monarch—throughout this affair. The menacing attitude they assume is ludicrous. The money will be paid without a shot being fired on either side. It is possible that some trifling deduc- tion on the amount, or some alteration in the mode of payment, may be agreed to by the United States, as a saving clause to French dignity ; but Jonathan will get his money.