Elie Court.
THE King and Queen remain at Brighton, apparently in good health. and spirits. Among their visiters this week, we find the names of Sir Francis Butdett, the Earl of Clarendon, Captain Pechell, the Bishop of Ely, and Earl Somers.
Their Majesties had a dinner-party on Wednesday, to which the Earl of Ripon, die Countess of Mulgrave, and Colonel and Mrs.. Cavendish were incited ; and on 'Thursday, Captain and Mrs. Pechell, Marquis Camden, Lord Camden, and General Gascoyne dined at the The Duke of Wellington arrived at the Palace on Thursday, and had- a long interview with the King.
The Duke of Leuchtenberg, husband of the Queen of Portugal, ar- rived on Sunday evening at the Clarendon Hotel ; having been escorted from Ostend by Lord Adolphus Fitzelarence and Sir 'I'. Fremantle.. He soon afterwards received an invitation to visit the King and Queen. at Brighton; whither his Highness proceeded yesterday. In the begin- ning of the week, he exchanged visits with the Duke of Wellington. and other persons of distinction, principally Ministers. The Duke cannot speak a word of English. He is on his way to Lisbon to join. his consort.