A serious incident has occurred at Kalisch, on the German
frontier of Russia. The Russian officers stationed there invited the officers of a German regiment in the neighbourhood to dinner, and after dinner gave expression to very passionate Panslavistic feelings, in a way decidedly hostile to Germany.. The German officers resented this, and the Russians, becoming still more excited, drew their swords and attacked their guests, who were only saved by the intervention of the colonel. This officer, whose name is not given, not only conducted the- Germans to his own quarters, but sent them back to their regiment under an escort of hussars, fearing lest they should be attacked. The occurrence is supposed to reveal a very bitter feeling in the Russian Army against Germany, and has been made the subject of sharp diplo- matic remonstrances, which will, of course, if the facts are truly represented, elicit a sufficient apology. • It is noticed that a quarrel very similar in its nature broke out • before the Crimean war, at Kalisch, when Russian and Prussian divisions were exercising together. It was not followed by any conse- quences, but the manoeuvres were never again performed by the combined nationalities.