The Resistance To The Law In The West Of Ireland
still continues,. and leads to most distressing scenes. It is necessary, under the present system, that notices of ejectment for non-payment of rent should be fixed to the doors......
And In Afghanistan The Case, Said Sir.w. Harcourt, Was Even
worse. There, the gain which the Government promised, which they boasted of having secured, had turned to the heaviest possible burden in our hands. The scientific frontier,......
With Regard To Political Prospects, Sir William Harcourt...
sanguine. The first day of the new Parliament would, he said, be the last day of the present Administration; and he offered as evidence of the revolution in public opinion,......
A Serious Incident Has Occurred At Kalisch, On The German
frontier of Russia. The Russian officers stationed there invited the officers of a German regiment in the neighbourhood to dinner, and after dinner gave expression to very......
M. Gambetta Was Re-elected President Of The Assembly On...
when the French Chambers met in Paris,—for the first time,.since the Franco-German war,—but by a smaller number• of votes than on any previous occasion. - Of -the 533 Members,......
Lord George Hamilton, Formerly Under-secretary Of State...
a lecture in the Music-hall, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, to the members of the Edinburgh Conservative Association. Lord George had estimated the number of words in the longer......
Sir Stafford Northcote Spoke At Stroud On Thursday, And Mr.
Smith, the First Lord of the Admiralty, at Sutton, in Mid-Surrey,—both speakers taking a rather aggrieved and complaining tone, as of men sadly misunderstood, who had suffered......
Pesth, Usually Quiet, Has Been Almost In Rebellion This...
A Liberal Deputy (M. Verhovay, editor of a Magyar paper), exposed what he considered the fraudulent proceedings of the directors of a bank. Baron Maithenyi, alleging himself in-......