17 JANUARY 1885, Page 13


THE " SPECTATOR."1 Stn,—As facts are always useful for the purpose of enabling us to arrive at conclusions, permit me to give you a few facts, culled from the recently issued Report of a Savings Bank, having branches in the City, Clerkenwell, and Islington, of which I am one of the managers. This Report contains a statement showing the progress of the business in the Bank for the last fifteen years. With one exception—the year 1879—the amount of cash received last year was the highest since 1870. It reached £251,532. The cash paid was £7,000 less than in 1882 and £12,000 less than in 1883 ; and it must be borne in mind that in "cash paid " are included sums transferred to other Savings Banks and sums paid for Stock bought for depositors. In this Bank, as against £8,515 Stock bought, only £1,475 were sold.

These facts go to prove that among the thrifty poor the depression has not yet been greatly felt. Curiously enough the same Report shows that in almost every respect the year 1883 was worse than the preceding or the succeeding year. So far as " cash received " is concerned, it was worse than is any previous year since 1878, while in "cash paid," the amount has never been exceeded. The net result in nearly every item is, that the Bank stands in twice as good a position as it did in 1870, the progress being steady, and almost uninterrupted.—I am, Sir, &c., Green Lanes, Stoke Newington, N. RIC IIA.RD BARTRA31.