Letters To The Editor.
THE ALLOTMENTS EXTENSION ACT. pro THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOE. " 1 SIR,—The Select Committee have given their views of the Allotments Extension Act, and this comes to us with......
The Condition Of The Thrifty Poor. [to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR."1 Stn,—As facts are always useful for the purpose of enabling us to arrive at conclusions, permit me to give you a few facts, culled from the recently issued......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." I SIR,—I read with much interest the account of Friedrichsdorf in your last number, the more that it revived recollections of a time (some......
Vivi S Ect1on.
I To THE EDITOR OF THE "SrEcTATon.-; Stn,—The unwillingness which some of us feel to face the question of Vivisection arises, perhaps, almost as much from its entanglement as......
Mr. Macready.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—As you were good enough, by your friendly notices of the small volume called " Obiter Dicta," to aid in giving it an unexpected width......