[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your correspondents, under the above heading, of October 18th, just to hand from a friend in England, mention the Marsh Gentian " (Gentiana pneumortanthe). Being inte- rested in matters botanic, I should like very much to get from either of them a small quantity of seed to try on our Australian marshes, and am willing to return seeds of some of-our Aus- tralian indigenous plants for a like experiment, or otherwise. Would you be so good as to communicate my wish ? My address—The Rectory, O'Connell, N.S.W.—I am, Sir, &c.,
F. E. IIAVU.AND (Archdeacon).
[We are very glad to att as intermediaries, but any of our readers who are interested should communicate with Arch- deacon Haviland and not with us.—En. Spectator.]