The Snob. By Helen R. Martin. (hurst And Blackett. 7s.
6d. net.)—This book is more interesting as an account of life in an American University, and on the farm of a Pennsyl- vanian Dutchman, than as fiction. The two people who tell......
Finance-public And Private
AN EXCHANGE ANOMALY BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY Jr has usually been regarded as a cardinal principle of the Foreign Exchanges that they constituted a fairly reliable barometer with......
The Lonely Lake. By Margaret Ashmun. (macmillan. 7s. 6d....
picture of the Middle West ten years ago which will give the English reader a strong feeling of the dreariness of lonely farmhouses in new settlements. The whole book is most......
Every Wife. By Grant Richards. (grant Richards. 75. 6d....
might be called an awful warning as to waste of time by in idle rich, were it not that the four person- ages concerned n the drama are anything but millionaires, and merely take......
Other Novels
God's Infidel. By John Freeman. (Williams and Norgate. 7s. 6d. net.)—The study of a pious agnostic who is hardly used by the world. The author appears to be well aware that the......