It has not yet been found possible to %form - a
new Government in Germany. Dr. Luther, the Minister of Finance, is attempting. to build up a provisional non- Party Administration. He is quite willing to place some Nationalists in high office,' but they are withholding their answer to his invitation until they see how they stand in their struggle for ascendency in Prussia. He first came to a satisfactory understanding with the Centre Party, who expected that the- Ministry of the Interior would be allotted to one of their representatives. This, unfortunately, is the Ministry which is specially coveted by the Nationalists, as they want to get control of home affairs. As the Berlin correspondent of the Times- points out, they would then be able to bring pressure to bear upon Prussia with a view to ejecting the Socialists from the various Ministries which they hold in the Prus- sian Government. It must be remembered, however, that Prussia is not unique in having several Socialists in office. - A Nationalist Minister of the Interior would no doubt precipitate similar conflicts all over the country. It looks as• -though Da.- Luther could not resist the Nationalist demand for this Ministry: