Half the newspapers one looks at now declare that the
time has come to make an end of smoke. Are we really civilized if we any longer submit ? Are we infants, are we helpless ? We publish this week another article on Smoke Abatement which shows that the Germans, though we are accustomed to laugh at their docility, are not docile in tolerating smoke. That is one of the things that arc verboten. If all of us who are determined to get rid once and for all of this destroying nuisance hold on our way with determination we shall win. Mr. Neville Chamberlain has in effect said that the Government, if pressed, would take up the matter and introduce a Bill of their own next year. Let us close with that offer. We hope that Lord Newton will get together one of the most powerful deputations on record to visit Mr. Chamberlain and, if necessary, to worry him.