17 JANUARY 1998, Page 26

Sir: Mr MacKenzie's requests for more police co-operation with the

press find an anticipated answer in Stephen Glover's piece, (Media studies, 6 December), 'You too could be pictured and named in con- nection with heinous crimes — while inno- cent.' The title is self-explanatory, and com- paring the two articles provides food for thought.

On an unrelated matter, I wish to express once again my admiration for Paul John- son's cogent observations on double stan- dards in the academic world (And another thing, 10 January). It is by no means a strictly British disease. In fact, I believe it is far worse in countries like France. Even though I do not always agree with Mr John- son, his column is among the first articles I always read.

Francois Portia.,

Versailles, France