Unhappy families
Sir: If Sion Simon is a woman, then I can understand her expressed doubts about the superiority of a dual over a single- parent family: most women journalists take that view (`Turncoats, traitors, cowards', 20/27 December). If, however, Sion Simon is a man, then he is being naive. The pur- pose of a family is to bring up the next gen- eration. Whilst it cannot be said that all children brought up by two parents are suc- cessful, it is certainly true that three quar- ters of the people who appear in magis- trates' courts are from broken homes and they suffer other unhappinesses too; for example, poorer health, not very good friendships or difficulty keeping a job, and their marriages are very likely to fail. All this is so sadly obvious, and has been for at least 20 years, that I find your contributor's doubts depressing.
Keith Rayner
Morgan Rayner Solicitors, 57 Market Place, Chippenham, Wilts
The editor writes: Sion Simon is a man.