17 JULY 1830, Page 11


STOCK EXCHANGE" FRIDAY EVENING.—There has not been much business, here during the week, and the general character of the transactions resembles those of last week. Money is stills() redundant as to command for short periods not more than 1 or if per cent.; and for longer terms not more than 2 per cent. Before the close of business on Saturday last, the news of the fall of Algiers, although not at first generally credited, raised the price of Consols from 931 to 9411; but on Monday the Market appeared heavy, and fell back to 931, since when it has gradually crept up to 94+, and looks well. The account-day (the 21st) is now very near, and those ingenious gentlemen, the Bears, do not seem Very comfortable on its approach ; for stock scarce, and money plentiful, is a state Of affairs not at all propitious to their speculations. They have had emir day, how- ever ; and will again, no doubt, but not so soon as the 21st.

In the Heavy Stocks there have been some large purchases this morning, and a corresponding advance of prices. The New 3i per Cents are at 1011, or, in other words, at a premium of If per cent.; a very mortifying fact for the dissentients. India Bonds are at 87 or 98 prem. Exchequer Bills 81 and 82.

In the Foreign Market there is very little to notice. The Continental Bonds are firmly maintained at their late advance. Brazilian Bonds have been a little un- steady, but have recovered to about 74. The other South American Bonds are sta- tionary at last week's prices; all but Colombian, which are 1 per cent.lower, in eon. Sequence of a rumour of BOLIVA.a having abandoned his Government With tha de* sign of coming to England. This rumour is more credited now than when it was first circulated. In Spanish there have been very few bargains, but the price is re- markably well maintained at 181.

In the Share Market there has been some stir among the holders of the United Mexican ; the Directors, after having expended all their capital, have applied to the shareholders for a further advance of 90,0001. or some such trifle. The 401. Shares - were not long ago at 234 and were done this week at 132, but are now rather higher —say 15 or 15f.

SATURDAY, HALF-PAST TWELVE.—The Consol Market has been rather heavy this morning, opening at 94+, and now sellers at 94, but not much business.

There are Mails in from Buenos Ayres and Rio de Janeiro, but we do not hear of any news by them. The Mining intelligence is not yet known. There is also a Jamaica packet in with Mail from Colombia, the Bonds of which state have fallen to 22+. Mexican and Peruvian Bonds are also affected, each being about from one half to one per cent. lower.