Mr. Chantrey's Bust Of His Present Majesty.
WE have been favoured with a sight of this beautiful piece of portrait sculpture ; which is not quite finished, but only waits the finishing strokes of the master's chisel at......
Peeps At The Print-shops.
LAWRENCE'S works still form the best attraction of the print-shops ; and to those which we have already noticed are added—portraits of Mrs. FAIRLIE and of Dr. Woi.LAsT ow,......
Patronage Of Historical Painting.
AN ANSWER TO THE ARTICLE ON THAT SUBJECT IN THE "WESTMINSTER REVIEW," NO XXV. [IT was said of a celebrated orator, that he was " great in reply"—he needed some sophistical......
Fine Arts.
MR. MARTIN'S MEZZOTINT OF HIS PICTURE OF "THE FALL OF NINEVEH." Tins magnificent print is engraved from the last great picture painted by Mr. MARTIN, and we may say, his best......