Tuesday, July 13. . PARTIssmsnres Dissovrim.-Carpenter and Tildesley, Willenhall, Staffordshire, cur- rycomb-manufacturers-Young and Todd, millers, Milton next Gravesend-Bradley and Sutton, Birmingham, nail-casters-ChilUngsworth and Co. Foleshill, Warwick- shire, trimming-manufacturers-Jameson-and Banks, Honey Lane Market, ware- housemen-Smith and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Barrett and Bates, Halifax, painters-W. and A. Paine, Tiverton, wine-merchants-R. and G. Cooper New- castle-upon-Tyne, paper-stainers-Weatherill and Co. Bradford, joiners-Wei-Allow and Whitehouse, Birmingham, stationers-Poole and Young, Spital Square, Nor- tonfolgate, accountants-Bevan and Rowcliffe, Peacock Street, Newington Butts, tobacco-manufacturers-A. and H. Fliotoff, Nottingham, mercers-:-Wyles and Co. Grantham, coal-merchants; as far as regards .1. Wyles-Wood and Goodsell, Brad- brook brewery, Stroud, Gloucestershire, brewers.
• BANKRUPTCY ANNOLLED.-FENTON, Coventry Street, Haymarket, stationer. BANKRUPT8.-CHARLES EDWARD BINGHAM, MCRUM Street, Grosvenor Square, printer, to surrender July 21, Aug. 25: solicitor, Murrough, New. Inn ; official assig- nee, Graham-SA.1mm Mrreamx, Stepney Gate, boot-maker, July 28, Aug. 23: soli- citors, Miller and Horn, King William Street, City ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-GEoRox EDWARD Mawr, Halifax, cloth-merchant, July 29, Aug. 20: .solicitors, Edwards, Halifax; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Free- man, Leeds-Roam. PEAnof STEPHENS, Liverpool, ship-owner, July 28, Aug. 23: solicitor, Thompson, Liverpool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-JAMES BUCK, Manchester, engraver, July 26, Aug. 9: solicitors, Vickers and niggles, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. Divmmins.-Aug. 3, Staldschmidt, Fenchurch Street, merchant-Aug. 2, Dixon,
Liverpool, merchant. • CERTreleATEs.-7b be .granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.- Aug. 4, Emmms, Princes Road, Notting Hill, bricklayer-Aug. 4, Laing, Southampton, coal-merchant-Aug. 3, W. and F. P. Hoblyn, Cambridge, surgeons-
Aug. 3, Banks, Bethnal Green Road, carpenter-Aug. 5, Sadler, Fore Street, furnish- . .
ing-undertaker-Aug. 5, Bridges, Canterbury, victualler.
DEcLARAT.toits OF DIVIDENDS.-Lyons, Saffron Walden, draper; seeped div. of 9d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, .Basinghall Street-Denman, Cheam, carpenter; first die. of 58. any 'kuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Dean, Brightbn, clothier; first div. of 7s. 6d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-White.-Southamp- ton, dealer in china; first div. of 6s. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street- Silby, Poole, timber-merchant; first div. of 2s. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-"-Sands, coal-merchant ; first div. of 2s. 6d. on the separate estate, any Tues- day; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Wright, Chesharo, Bucks, grocer; first div. of 78. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-W.Neil, Glasgow, shoe-manufacturer, July 19, Aug. 9 -M'Gregor, Dalrannoch, Perthshire, cattle-dealer, July 22, Aug. 9.
Friday, July 16. . PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Phillips and Bryant, Petworth, printers-Williams and Co. Chorlton-upen-Medlock, fruiterers-Patent Utrecht Company, Stewart Street, Spitalfields-Mackillop and Young, Sambrook Court, accountants-Goodier and Crompton, Fleetwood, Lancashire school-proprietresses-T. and A. Wardle- Worth, Prestwich, turkey-red-iyers-Tann and Sons, Hope Street, Hackney Road, fire-proof box-manufacturers-Speke and Goodhind, Bazaar, High Street, 51.-Mary. • Islington, drapers-Whitehead and Parker, Liverpool„ chandelier-makers-Howorth and Sons, Burnley, worsted-spinners; as far as regards J. Howorth-Crabb and Watts, Clement's Court, Wood Street, commission-agents-Thorp and Co. Stockton grocers-Abraham and Levy, Eyre Street Hill, Holborn. loan-company-Hayes and Co. Liverpool, asphalte-manufacturera-Moore and Kellett; Bradford, joiners- W. and J. H. Gregory, Liverpool, attornies-Morris and Co. Ludgate Street, en- gravers-Ingham and Nft1.1, Liverpool, linen-drapers-Mason and Co. Huggin Lane, Wood Street, stock-manufacturers-Hart and Co. Wyeh Street, Strand, iron- mongers ; as far as regards G. Hart-Robinson and Glassbrook,- Manchester, coach- builders-Schofield and Challinor, Rochdale, tea-dealers-Owen and Co. Hudders- field, woollen waste-dealers; as far as regards J. Taylor-Cowley and James, Wal- sall, gas-tube-manufacturers-Twigge and Co. Liverpool, rice-dressers-Richardson and Co. Manchester, mousseline-de-laine-manufacturers ; as far as regards E. Wroe -Ramsay and Hardy, Liverpool, block-makers-Nixon and Co. Crutched Friars, corn-factors-The Blaenavon Iron and Coal Company; as far as regards C. Watt
and M. Baird. - BANKRUPTCY AminntEn.-JAmas CRALLEAt, Brixton, brewer.
BANicreprs.-JoNATRAN STREETER, Brighton, corn-merchant, to surrender July 30, Sept. 2: solicitors, Sowton, Great James Street, Bedford Row ; Kennett, Brigh- ton; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Joux HENRY Mortars, King William Street, Strand, manufacturer of india-rubber-pavement, July 26, Sept. 2: solicitor, Buchanan, Basingliall. Street ; official assignee, Cannan, Aldermanbury- Joni.; Witaxam EDWARDS, Marchmont Street, Brunswick Square, cheesemonger, July 24, Sept. 1 solicitors, Ford and Lloyd, Bloomsbury Square; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-ROBERT FRAME STEPHENS, Liverpool, shipowner, July 28, Aug. 23: solicitor, Thompson. Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpeol- Wmzem NICHOLSON, Shotley Bridge, Durham, timber-merchant, July 23, Sept. 3: solicitors, Hodgson and Burton, Salisbury Street, Strand; Joel, Newcastle-upon- Tyne; "official assignee, Baker, Neweastle-upon-Tyne-Josus Wnsois, Gateshead, coach-proprietor, July 21, Aug. 20: solicitors, Shield and Harwood, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street; Watson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Wakley, New- castle-upon-Tyne.
DrvinErais.-Aug. 11, Lloyd, Wrexham. banker-Aug. 10, Foulkes, Birkenhead, druggist-Aug. 10, Ellison, Liverpool, ironmonger-Aug. 6, R. H. and E. Bell, South Shields, paper-manufacturers.
CraerremATEs.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nweting.-Aug. 6, Pearce and Thaekeray, Sunderland, timber-merchants-Aug. 11, Evans, Ilehester, carpenter-Aug. 11, Matthews, Yeovil, druggist. DECLARATIONS or Dsvinions.-Handley, Manor Terrace, Brixton. builder; first div. of Is. 6d. July 22, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Keith and Shoobridge, Wood Street, Cheapside, warehousemen; first div. of 2s. 9d. July 22, and the three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Beaumont, Leman Street, engineer ; first div. of 6s. 8d. July 22, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Gatehouse and Co. Upper Lis- son Street, timber-merchants ; second div. of 51d. July 19, and two subsequent Mon- days; Canaan, Aldermanbury-Bateman and Hardwicke, Carey Street, printers ; first div. of ls. 9d. July 19, and two subsequent Mondays; Cannan, Aldermanbury- Attree, Brighton, homer; second and final div, of ls. 11d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Millard, Reading, copper- smith; first div. of 10s. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Richardson, Edg,eware Road, ironmonger; second and final div. of lid. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays; Grcom,. Abchurch Lane- Barnjum, Pall Mall East, wine-merchant; first div. of 7s. 6d. July 17, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street- Starkey, Old Street, carpenter; third div. of Is. and 78. 6d. on new proofs, July 17, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-R. and T. Allison, Dean Street, Soho, pianoforte-manufacturers; second div. of 41d. and Is. 30. on new proofs, July 17, and three subsequent Saturdays ;'Edwards, Sambrook Court- heating, St. Paul's Churchyard, druggist ; first div. of 38. on new proofs, July 17, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Solonions, Basinghall Street, merchant; second div. of 134d. and Is. 80. on new proofs, July 17, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Cogar, Newgate Street, shoe- dealer ; first die. of 4s. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-G. and T. Hart, Union Street, Southwark, trimming-manufacturers ; first div. of 6s. 4d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-WI/mall and Brown, Pemberton Row, printers ; third div. of on the separate estate of Itt'Dowall, any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bunyard, Mark Lane, seedsman; second div. of Is. old. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-T. and J. Gundry, Gpld- sithney, Cornwall, merchants; further div. of 2s. any Tuesday ; Hirtzel, Exeter. SCOTCH SEQUYSTRATIONS.-Wallace, Glasgow, contractor, July 20, Aug. 13-Fos- ter. Dumfries, joiner, July 23, Aug. 13-Scott, Edinburgh, brush-manufacturer, July 23, Aug. 23-Connel, Edinburgh, coach-builder, July 19, Aug. 12-Buchanan, Dunfermline, wright, July 22, Aug. 12.