17 JULY 1852, page 11

Itttgro To Tht Thitor.

THE CHRISTIA.N SOCIALISTS. .1ker8ky, 5th July 1852. &a—While I thank your correspondent "I Constant Reader" for the zeal with which he has defended the Christian. Socialists," I......

Accident And The Natural Order Of Thitga Have Combined To

render the non-lyrical portion of the theatrical world remarkably tranquil this week. Mrs. Keeley sprained her ankle by a fall daring the rehearsal of Jack Sheppard at the......

Neglected Elements Of The Education Question.

SIR — As the attention of your readers has been recently called to the question of general education, not only by the policy of the Ministry in rela- tion to the......

T !i Ntr.

The production of Spohr's Faust at the Royal Italian Opera, under the personal direction of its celebrated composer, and with the powerful means of that great theatre, has for......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTIRNOON. Notwithstanding some large purchases of Three-and-a-quarter per Cents, the prices of the English Funds have not been supported. Consols were......