[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin, I think that under this heading it may be of interest to record what seems to me almost a unique experience. My colleague, Sir John Mowbray, and myself last Saturday accompanied a deputation from the University of Oxford, headed by the Chancellor (Lord Salisbury) and the Vice- Chancellor, to present to her Majesty a congratulatory address on the completion of the sixtieth year of this memorable reign. Sir John Mowbray remembers going as a very young graduate to accompany a representation of the same University to Buckingham Palace, headed by the then Chancellor, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, to present an address on the Queen's marriage. I should think there were
very few people in England who can say that twice in the same reign, at an interval of fifty-seven years, they have accompanied those who represent the same University in a personal address to the Sovereign.—I am, Sir, &c.,