The Jubilee Bonfires.
[To TH8 EDITOR OF TH8 "SPECT•TOR."] SIlt,—Experientia docet ; but her lessons are too often lost because no notes are made of them at the time. A remark of yours in the......
The Future Of Country Parks.
A MONG the transactions in the landed property market recorded last week is one which will be construed, wrongly, as we think, as a sign that the recent shrinkage in the value......
Sir,—after Reading Your Article On "the Sultan's Success"...
Spectator of July 10th, I turned to "Lord Blachford's Letters," (p. 401), and read as follows :- " October 17th, 1880. "What a muff European Concert is, unless one or more......
Letters To The Editor.
THE UNREST IN INDIA. [To TIM EDITOR OF THB "Brzer•FOR."] Sin,—Many people will, I am sure, have read with much in- terest your two articles on "The Unrest in India," especially......