17 JUNE 1882, Page 13


[TO THE EDITOR OP TEE " tincrAroal SIR,—" Except fame, what did Jenner gain by vaccination ?" asks the Spectator, in its number for June 10th, in an article on " Professional Prizes." The answer to the question is,—A Parliamentary grant of £10,000, subscriptions from India amounting to £7,383, and a further Parliamentary grant of £20,000. See the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," the article

[Of course, we should have asked,—" What did Jenner expect to get except fame, by the discovery of Vaccination P" And that was what we intended to ask. Jenner had about as much anticipation of these grants, when he went into the investigation, as he had of the working of the electric telegraph. —ED. Spectator.]