17 JUNE 1882, page 3

Lord Dalhousie Made A Very Able Speech On Monday In

favour of the Bill legalising marriage with a deceased wife's sister. He said that the Bill avowedly dealt only with a single case, instead of putting the change of law on any......

The Chief Speaker Against The Bill Was The Bishop Of

Peter- borough, who, if we may trust the report, did not speak with anything like his usual ability. He insisted that the only effect of legalising these marriages would be that......

A Meeting In Support Of The Society For Training Teachers

of the Deaf, by the German or oral system, which teaches them to watch closely the movement of the lips and to distinguish words by that method, was held at the Mansion House......

The Last Number Of The Medical Press Contains A Curious

account of what it calls a " phenomenal canary,"—a curious vulgarism of our medical contemporary, who surely never sup- posed that any one could describe a canary that was not......

Miss Ormerod, In The Very Interesting Report Which She Has

just published on injurious insects during the year 1881 (pub- lished by Swan Sonnenschein and Co.), gives an interesting description of the oak leaf-roller moth (Tortrix......

The Spanish Bondholders In England Have Accepted S....

offer for the conversion of Spanish 3 per cent. bonds into 4 per cent. stock, at the price of £44 12s. 6d., includ- ing commission. The effect of this arrangement is to reduce......

The Division List Shows That The Prince Of Wales, The

Duke of Edinburgh, and the Duke of Albany all voted for the Bill, and that the Duke of Connaught paired for it; but not a single Bishop (unless we count the Bishop of Ripon, who......

Consols Were On Friday 10011 To 1001 N.&
