NEW EDITIONS.—Catherine and Craufurd Tait: a Memoir. Edited by the
Rev. W. Benham. (Macmillan.)—This is an abridged edition of the biographies which were read with so eager an attention when they appeared, some time ago. The principle of the abridg- ment has been to leave untouched, as indeed it was necessary to do, the Archbishop's memoir of his wife and son, and Mrs. Tait's• own most pathetic account of the death of her children.—The Elementary History of Art, a text-book of recognised value, appears, we are glad to see, in a second edition, to which Professor Roger Smith has prefixed an introduction.—We have also to notice a second edition of Shakespeare : Certain Selected Plays, abridged for the use of the young, by Samuel Brandram, M.A. (Smith and Elder) ; and of Specimens of Early English, by the Rev. Richard Morris, LL.D. Part 1, A.D. 1150 to A.D. 1300. (The Clarendon Press.)—A fourth edition of Free-trade and Protection, by the Right Hon. H. Fawcett (Macmillan), is a reproduction, doubly welcome at this time, of the arguments by which, as was once fondly hoped, Free-trade was proved, as against the barbarous systems of former days.—Lord' Modern Europe has reached a" forty-seventh thousand;" and we have also, in " Collins's School Series," a "new and enlarged edition" of The History of the British Empire (William Collins, Son, and Co.)— In fiction, we have new editions of the very lively stories translated by Mrs. Cashel Hoff from the French of M. Lucien Biart, The Clients of Dr. Bernagius; and Mr. W. D. Howell's curious tale of Spiritualism and Shakerism, The Undiscovered Country. (Sampson Low and Co.) GUIDE BOOKS, Ere.—We have received from Mr. E. Stanford the Tourist's Guide to Dorsetshire, by R. N. Worth, F.G.S. ; and the Tourist's Guide to Berkshire, by E. Walford, M.A., both of which are supplied with clearly printed maps. From Messrs. Macmillan and Co., Dickens's Dictionaries of London (fourth year), Paris, and of The Thames, from Orford to the Nore,—the two last-named being the most recent additions to the " Dickens Dictionary Series." From Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., The Alps, and How to See Them, edited by J. E. Maddock.