Outlines from Plato: Metaphysics, by F. P. Long (B. H.
Blackwell, Oxford, 2s. Gd. net), is a selection of passages, carefully arranged to form is series of definitions, &c., from the "Theaetetus," " Republic," "Philebon," " Phaedo," "Timaeus," " Symposium," " Meno," and other Dialogues. It is intended primarily for use in preparing for the Final School in Literae Hunianiores. One might call it a " cram book," but it is a "cram book" of a good sort. The average student must have his mental food, especially if it is somewhat tough, prepared for him.—Another book for advanced students, in a different province, is The Essentials of Composition. and Rhetoric, by A. H. Espenshade, M.A. (D. C. Heath and Co., 3s. 6d.)