The Four Hundred Unemployed Leicester Workmen Reached...
week, and left again for home on Monday. During their stay in the Metropolis food and lodging wore provided by various philanthropic agencies, and a demon- stration took place......
Professor Ray Lankester, Who Lectured On " Nature And Man"
at Oxford on Wednesday, formulated his views on the duty of Oxford to the nation and humanity. He was convinced, he said, that the true relation of Nature to man had been so......
.monday's Papers Contained A Long And Eloquent Letter...
Roberts, in which he appealed for funds for the new Rifle Club Association about to be formed with the aim of making rifle-shooting a national pursuit. We have dealt with the......
On Friday Week Lord Rosebery Addressed The Associated...
Great Britain and Ireland at Edinburgh, and made some entertaining confessions of his views on literature. Before an audience of publishers and booksellers' he claimed to speak......
We Note In The Times Of Tuesday A Valuable Communication
on the subject of the pay of the cavalry officer. Subalterns in the American Army, who start three times as well off as their British brother-officers, are agitating for an......
A Single Instance May Be Given Of What Happened. A
contractor called Meyer bought oats from the Sales Depart- ment and resold them to the Army, making a profit of £1 on every three hundred pounds, or a gross daily profit upon......
Professor . Boyd Dawkins Contributes To Tuesday's Times A...
appeal to the Liberal Unionist party at large for united action at the present juncture. After describing the specially disintegrating effect of the Fiscal question on Liberal......
Bank Rate, 2a Per Cent.