A distressed gentleman
Sir: I wonder if the Charles Moore who contributed the most narcotic piece of prose ever to come out of Texas in your issue of 10 June is the same as the provincial and insular hack who is con- stantly trespassing on the otherwise read- able pages of the Telegraph and Express? Or is he only the editor of The Spectator, the magazine which contains more literals and proof-reading howlers than any now in print? In which case, why does he allow me to contribute to it lead reviews which he then encourages readers to complain of as incomprehensible? As to Mr Webb of Molesey (Letters, 10 June), may I assure him that, although I did in my teens consider going to Harrods as a trainee, nothing came of it. However Mr Mohamed Al-Fayed has since bought and occupied the house where I spent the first ten years of my life.
Alastair Forbes
1837 Château-d'Oex, Switzerland