17 JUNE 1989, page 24

Hic Sic

Sir: Garland is innocent (Letters, 10 June)! The Bayeux Tapestry inscription reads in full at this point: 'Hic Harold rex interfectus est,' hic being an adverb (meaning 'here',......

Sir: Living In The Heart Of '1066 Country' I Appreciated

very much the up-dating of the Bayeux Tapestry on the front cover of your issue of 20 May. But have you not equipped the staunch defender of our island heritage with a Norman......

A Distressed Gentleman

Sir: I wonder if the Charles Moore who contributed the most narcotic piece of prose ever to come out of Texas in your issue of 10 June is the same as the provincial and insular......

London Pride

Sir: Richard West's voyage to Vauxhall (`Another Country', 13 June) seems to have been quite an adventure for the veteran travel writer. His back must have been painfully bent......

The Real Rumania

Sir: Perhaps Rumania was 'the only com- munist country in which it was possible to live a civilised life' in 1968, as Professor MacGregor-Hastie claims (Letters, 10 June),......

Sir: Rather Than The Government Giving The Right Of Abode

in this country to all UK passport holders currently living in Hong Kong should we not have the opportunity to decide for ourselves? A referendum on the issue would, at least,......

Sir: I Cannot Be The Only Reader Whose Teeth Were

set on edge when your other- wise wholly admirable leading article on Hong Kong referred to Dr Zell's 'co- religionist', identified by the quotation as Trotsky. Dr Zell may be......


Sir: Surely the drug Retrovir is named from the technical term for the Aids infective agent, which is a retrovirus; that is, a virus which transcribes genetic mate- rial from......