The Scottish Church and University Almanac, 1894. (Macniven and Wallace,
Edinburgh.)—This volume contains a variety of information which it would not be easy to find elsewhere, and to which we have in England, as far as we know, no exact parallel. It gives the statistics of the Established Church of Scotland, and of the various religious bodies which have seceded from it or are independent of it. The Established Church has, on a rough cal- culation, between 1,500 and 1,600 ministers, with about 20 "unat- tached," and about 350 "probationers." This makes about 2,000 in all ; we may add 1,200 for the Free Church, about 800 for the United Presbyterian ; the " United Original Seceders" number 24, and the "Reformed Presbyterians," 8. Reckoning the clergy of the Episcopal Church at 350, the Roman Catholic at 310, and ministers of other religious bodies at 300, we get a grand total of about 5,000. The clergy of the Established Church in England and Wales number about 25,000, of whom at least 20,000 have parochial or quasi-parochial charges. These figures give an idea of the magnitude of the problem which would be presented by Disestablishment.