Daphnis And Chloe.* The Famous Old Pastoral Which Goes Under
the name of a perhaps mythical Longus, is safe to have its day from time to time as literature returns upon itself ; and if it is not read for its own charms or its interest as......
Medea's Island. By Esmb Stuart. (sampson Low, Marston,...
is a powerful and pathetic story. Claudea (the name " Claudia" pronounced, after local fashion, with an emphasis on the " e '') is a striking personality. She has a passionate......
Current Literature.
The Conversion of India. By George Smith, LL.D. (John Murray.)—Dr. Smith gives his readers a very able historical sur- vey of missionary work in India, and also furnishes them......
The Scottish Church And University Almanac, 1894....
Edinburgh.)—This volume contains a variety of information which it would not be easy to find elsewhere, and to which we have in England, as far as we know, no exact parallel. It......
Penshurst Castle. By Mrs. Marshall. (seeley.)--the...
the Days of Sir Philip Sidney " to the title, marks the character of Mrs. Marshall's volume. She has already, with con- siderable success, grouped various incidents and persons......
Miss Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market Has Been...
Mr. Laurence Housman. (Macmillan.)—The goblin fruit merchants are weird and uncanny enough; but we are not satisfied with the presentment of the human element. Lizzie among the......