MSARRIEN has been selected as the new Premier of • France. Sixty-six years of age, he was one of the most trusted of M. Combes's lieutenants, and is a typical Radical Re- publican. His appointment marks a return to the old principles of the Bloc, as against M. Rouvier's policy of conciliating hostile groups. M. Leon Bourgeois, who takes the portfolio of Foreign Affairs, belongs to the same political school as the new Premier, and enjoys the prestige of a man who has virtually refused in the past both the Presidentship and the Premier- ship. • The only sensational appointments are those of M. Briand to the Ministry of Public Instruction and Worship, and M. Clemenceau to the Ministry of the Interior. The first is a young man who made his name as the Reporter of the Separation Bill, and has gained a high reputation for sincerity and ability. He belonged originally to the Revolutionary Socialist group, but has now ceased to act with his party. The return to public life of M. Clemenceau, who has so long played a great un- official part in moulding French opinion, is an event of very special interest. Three members of the Rouvier Cabinet retain their portfolios, and we are glad to see among them M. Etienne, the Minister of War, who is perhaps of all French statesmen the one best known in England.