[to The Editor. Op The " Spectltor.] Sir,—in Your...
article in last week's Spectator on "Children's Meals and Parents' Pockets" you ask : "Why should not meals be provided in all schools for all children whose parents are willing......
'children's Meals And Parents' Pockets.
[TO TER EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR." J SIE, —In the excellent article on the above subject in your issue of March 10th there are two sentences the accuracy of 'which the late......
Letters To The Editor.
THE APPEAL TO PARENTS. [TO TIM EDITOR OF TIM EPROTATOR."] SIE, — It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the cultivation by parents of the sense of responsibility for......
[to Ter Editor Op Thz Spectator."1 Bra,—no One Can Resist
the cry of the underfed or starved children, and to the question whether the State which educates them should also see that they are fed there can be but one answer. But this is......