The names of those appointed to serve on the Royal
Com- mission on Canals and Waterways—promised last December— and the terms of reference were announced last week. The Commission is to inquire and report on the present condition and financial position of canals ; the causes which have pre- vented their being improved by private enterprise; the facilities desirable to complete a system of through communication by water between commercial, industrial, and agricultural centres, and between such centres and the sea; the prospect of benefit to the trade of the country compatible with a reasonable return on the probable cost; and the expediency of canals being made or acquired by public bodies or trusts, and the methods by which funds for the purpose could be obtained and secured. Lord Shuttleworth will act as Chairman, and the Commission in- cludes Lord Brassey, Lord Farrer, and Mr. Inglis, the general manager of the Great Western Railway; and Mr. Snowden and Mr. Vivian, both Labour Members. Mr. W. B. Duffield will act as secretary. The constitution of the Commission affords promise of a fruitful inquiry into a disused national asset of great value.