News of the Week T HEKing of Afghanistan arrived on our
shores on Tuesday and is_welcorne here. The.pUblic..has been well prepared to take a lively interest in what is a really °- novel analinportant event. The last King was entertained in India, bet nOAmir has visited Europe so far as we know'1 before this Oecasion.. King -.8manullah, during his tour: in Europe. has:seen a_great deal, for the nations have vied with one another in showing him their best in hospitality', and in modein inventions.. Here our King and Queen, by entertaining the two 'Sovereigns for' two 'days" in a ; State !!- Visit at Buckingham Palace, have given- a lead which the country is 'following. We trusethat King Amanullali will take his reception here ' as showing Our genuine desire to wipe out of recollection his ill-advised ". action in 1919, and to have the most -friendly_ relations with our neighbour across the frontiers of the Empire Of India. He was entertained in the City on Wednesday , and has begun a long run of sight-seeing which will include matters naval, military; aerial, industrial and sporting.