India And The Cotton Trade
[To the „Editor of the SrEcrxroa.1 Sm,—Apropos of your very important article on the state of the cotton trade (p. 253 of your issue of February 25th), may I call attention to......
For A Better England
[To the Editor of the Seams-ma.] am glad to know that you are in cordial agreement with most of the views expressed by Mrs. Gilchrist-Thompson in her outspoken letter on this......
Banking Profits And Bank Shares (to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] SIR,—At the conclusion of - an • interesting article in the Spectator of March 3rd, Mr. Arthur Kiddy refers to the growing tendency of bank directorates to free the......
• The Press And International Misunderstandings [to The...
the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have been requested by the World Peace Foundation of Boston, and the Foreign Policy Association of New York, two organizations earnestly enlisted in the......