The news from the East has been less exciting than
it was last week From the frontier of Iraq there is scarcely anything to record. In Egypt King Fuad has received the President of the Wafd Party, Mustapha Pasha Nahas, who, is also President of the Chamber. It is not known whether he will try to form a Government. Pre- sumably he is too deeply committed in opposition to our keeping any troops at all in Egypt to he able to reconsider his attitude towards the Treaty. It seems that if there is any change in public opinion in favour of the Treaty, Sarwat- Pasha will have to return, but it is most. unlikely. There were riots of Cairo students last week, but order is quite restored. Sir Austen Chamber- lain,: speaking to journalists at. Geneva_ on. Saturday, pointed out how much Egypt might have gained- in respect of the League by accepting the Treaty offered to her. Besides her probable membership Great Britain offered .to submit to the League eventually .the very questions on which there was most difficulty, the Suez Canal and the British troops. He believed that Sarwat Pasha was as sincerely grieved as he was himself by the turn of events.