[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May we, through your courtesy, draw the attention of your readers -to the celebration throughout Scotland of the annual "Animal Welfare Week," which it is proposed shall take place from March 25th to 31st?
The object of the organization is twofold : First, by con- certed and simultaneous action in all the leading centres of population to demonstrate the strong and widespread feeling that exists in favour of the just and humane treatment of animals ; and secondly, to endeavour to extend and deepen public interest in this important humanitarian branch of ethics by means of flag days, public meetings, special sermons from the pulpit, appropriate lectures in colleges, explanatory lessons in schools, and by various other methods which local Committees may think is desirable to adopt.
Full information and literature for distribution will gladly be supplied, to all who apply to the Secretary of the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 19 Melville Street, Edinburgh.—We are, Sir, &c., .
Vice-President Scottish S.P.CA. C. H. URMSTON,
Chairman, Scottish S.P.C.4.
19 Melt ilk Street, Edinburgh.