Cancelled Embargo The Government is not to be congratulated on
its handling of the arms embargo question. The embargo should have been imposed on Japan only, as the aggressor Power, and once imposed should have been maintained: To remove it now is - to prejudge the result of inter- national discussions which have not yet taken 'place— and could not, since the United States has only just signified its willingness to join the League Assembly's Committee of Twenty-one; to which 'consideration of the problem belongs. As things are „British subjects are to be permitted, after all, to do what the Foreign Secretary in the House of Commons stigmatized as "horrible "—supply the means of carrying on a war which is neither necessary or just, and incidentally enable a State characterized by the British Government as an aggressor to prosecute its aggression. The British delegates at Geneva are said to have been sounding other countries at Geneva regarding their intentions. It would be more encouraging to find them challenging other countries to join Great Britain in a course which. imposes itself as a plain duty for any honourable member of the League. As• it is this country has backed down just as President Roosevelt has announced his intention to ask Congress for power to impose arms embargoes.