17 MARCH 1933, page 18

We Talk Of Farm Mechanization. The Amount Of Machinery And

apparatus lately invented under the stimulus of the canning industry is legion ; and the machines extend from little canning machines for use by the individual householder to......

Country Life

A GREAT NEW SANCTUARY. Half the world has thanked the author of San Michele for the effectual fervency of his plea for the birds of Capri, now dedicated under the order of the......

The Tree Is Becoming A Sort Of Masonic Bond Both

psycho- logically and practically ; and not the least sentimental votaries are the Americans of the West who are "Druids of the Sequoia,"- which we vulgarly call the......

Where Land Is Dear.

Figures of the lamentably low price of land in England have been freely quoted here and elsewhere. It is the more refreshing to be able to report some high and heightening......

We Have At Least One Other Traveller—mr. St. Barbe Baker,

who is now on his way to California—to encourage the forma- tion of a tree sanctuary. He is propagandist rather than discoverer. His idea is to found what he calls a "Grove of......

Tite New Canneries.

The number of factories—to which family factories have to be added—already exceeds four-score. A map of England showing these makes a suggestive lesson in topography. The......

* * • A Birds And Wires.

A traveller stopped the other day to talk to a linesman who was repairing the telephone wires on the Glasgow and Carlisle road near Abington. They had broken owing to the weight......

A Traveller In Plants.

The greatest of all "travellers in plants" of cur day— perhaps of any day, if Hooker be excepted—is now approach- ing some virgin country in Tibet, and that "roof of the world"......

No Species Of Production Or Sale Is So Closely Bound

up with the National Mark, which is a guarantee of quality very much stricter than prevails in any country in the world. This means that food stamped with the mark enjoys an......