17 MARCH 1933, Page 22



At a recent meeting of the Scottish Masque and Muqic Society, under the chairmanship of Lord Clyde, it was decided that the performance of the Masque upon the subject of the life and works of the poet Dunbar should be given in the Music Hall, George Street, Edinburgh, from Tuesday the 13th to Saturday, June 17th, inclusive. The Masque is being written by Mr. Lewis Spence and will be produced by Mr. James Wallace Bell, whose work as a producer, both for the Scottish Community Drama Association and the Studio Theatre is well known to Edinburgh audiences. The general management of the Masque has been undertaken by Mr. R. Douglas Robertson. The joint honorary Secretaries, Miss A. C. Maeonochie and Miss I. F. Grant, 10 Heriot Row, will be delighted to give further information to anyone who would care to hear more about the Masque.