17 MARCH 1933, Page 50


Few banks and certainly few foreign banks, have given to shareholders a steadier dividend payment than the Yoko- hama Specie Bank. Moreover, notwithstanding the disturbed conditions in Japan, the report for the half-year up to Deceni- ber 31st last is a good one, showing a net profit, including the amount brought in, of Yen 12,159,000. Not only is the dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. .per annum Maintained, but a sum of Yen 1,300,000 is placed to the Reserve as compared with Yen 1,100,000 a year ago, while the carry forward of Yen 5,589,000 compares with Yen 4,878,000 year ago. The Reserve has now been raised to Yen 119,750,000, or the equivalent of nearly 212,000,000, which is much above the total capital of the Bank. S.