17 MARCH 1933, Page 52


The death of the Hon. Arnold Henderson, which oc- curred last Sunday, has, removed' one of the most popular

ad highly esteemed members of the Stock - Exchange. Mr. Henderson was the fifth son of Lord Farinkdon, with his father, was partner in the Stock Pchange limn of Cazenove, Akroyds and Greenwood and Co. He became a Member of the' House" in 1905, and for some years Has a partner in the firm of Greenwood and Co., of which 1,prd Faringdon was the senior, that firm, however, being ante), gamated some eighteen months ago with Messrs. Cazenove and Akro3-ds. Mr. Henderson was only forty-nine-years of age, but he had won a high place- in the regard not only of his fellow. members on the Stock Exchange, but in banking and busineni circles, and his untimely death, after a very brief illness, is the