This tendency to escape from reality is fortified and, to
their minds justified, by the wave of optimism which is being created, somewhat artificially, by the party organisa- tions and those who are concerned with stocks and shares. If we have really achieved peace in our time, what need can there be of all this personal inconvenience? To suggest that the menace to our safety and independence is an ever-present menace, is regarded as disloyalty to our tribal medicine-man, and as indicative of " war-mongering " or fear. There are many millions of men and women in this country who ardently wish to believe that all danger was removed from this Empire in October last. The fact that around this ardent wish there cluster all manner of uncomfortable feel- ings, such as shame and apprehension, merely renders th2 wish a more deliberate and more obstinate form of belief. It is on the basis of this self-mesmerism that so many citizens refuse to give their services or to be trained in time. * * * *