• The War In Spain [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR] SIR,—Allow me, as shortly as possible, to contradict the claims by which Mr. Horsfall Carter, in a letter published in your issue of March 3rd, seeks to refute my......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sir,—the Articles Which...
appeared recently in three issues on " The Future of Farming " will no doubt stimulate your readers who are engaged in the great industry of agri- culture to a good deal of hard......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator]
SIR,—What does Sir Daniel Hall mean when he says, " But since foreign countries are showing a growing disinclination to take our manufactures, still more to paying their debts,......
The Future Of Farming [to The Editor Of The Spectator]
SIR,—I have read many articles on the farming question in recent years, but surely the series from Sir Daniel Hall's pen which you have just published cowes a', as we say in......