[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] SIR, —The first letter of
" A German Landowner " made me remember a quotation. The second letter reinforces this memory strongly. In the second letter the writer says :
" Of course, many Germans, and I amongst them, can understand the necessity of more or less forcing the Jews to emigrate, and still regret the necessity."
I weep for you, the Walrus said, I deeply sympathise, With sobs and tears he sorted out those of the largest size, Holding his pocket handkerchief before his streaming eyes. Was not the real reason of this so-called " necessity " that the non-Aryan oysters were expected to yield £8o,000,000 for the
Reich to spend?—I am, Sir, &c., H. STRACHEY. Stowey Mead, Glutton, Somerset.