17 MARCH 1944, Page 12

Sitt,—Lest they should pass without comment, and in the hope

of evoking a protest from abler pens than my own, I write to express disagreement with the views of Messrs. Brailsford and Shewell and endorsement of those of Mr. Wilson Harris.

It would be interesting to know what Messrs. Brailsford and Shewell think we are fighting for, if not to disarm Germany and render her impotent by force. Their attitude seems quite inconsistent. If it is wrong to " police " or use force after the war, it is wrong to do so during the war. The attitude of the pacifist can be understood, but not that of the man who says we must prosecute the war with vigour, but afterwards must ensure that the aggressors are not penalised for their crimes.

Unfortunately, these views are far too common, and strike dismay, if not despair, into the hearts of our French Allies, the Austrians and other subjugated peoples. Recently I read an article tby an aspirant to Parlia- ment) about the German ;problem, the tenor of which was that if we wish to embitter Germany (and thereby risk a third war) we must dismember her by giving back to Austria her independence and by restoring Alsace-Lorraine to France!

Many people seem unable to distinguish between the exaction of retribution and vindictiveness. It is, unfortunately, impossible to restore human life, but to ensure by force that the aggressor makes good all material damage, so far as is possible, is mere justice. The Germans have, during the Hitler regime, willingly submitted to a low standard of living in order to prepare for war. There should, therefore, be no great hardship in their doing the like to make restitution.

The distress and suffering which Germany undoubtedly endured after the last war, and which was so cunningly laid to the charge of the victors, was really the result of having squandered all her resources upon an aggressive war, and was certainly not due to the exactions of the Allies. Surely the employment of a psychiatrist is the method which was tried from Hitler's advent up to the outbreak of war, and which failed, in default of a police force. " This sick nation " may be a mental case, and may need a psychiatrist, but it also requires a strait waistcoat.—Yours faithfully, 25 Burton Street, Loughborough, Leics. CLEMENT GAMEY.